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Our guide to getting started is now available - 2025 edition. If you subscribe to our email list, you...
Our guide to getting started is now available - 2025 edition. If you subscribe to our email list, you...
Do you get stressed when suddenly it is someone special's birthday and you have no idea what to get? Use...
Sleep tracker In the 31-day sleep tracker mark the hours during the day / night you slept to identify...
Recommendations Log everything and anything people recommend to you at the back of your planner on the Recommendations lists...
Our To do List layout goes over two pages and has the structure you need to turn your ‘To do’s...
We have created a special layout for your meal planning and shopping lists using sticky notes.
Instead of dreading the overwhelming task of spring cleaning, why not spread it out over the entire year? Use our...
Use the 'Your budget' layout inside our planners to understand the main expenses that will fall over the year, and...
In the age of digital calendars and task management apps, pen remains mightier than the app. Why is this? The...
Writing a killer resume is as simple of collecting great work examples in the moment that they have occurred to...
A frequently asked question we have on our DMs is what is the difference between a diary and planner. A...
I developed a One Page Plan for my own life and have now used this to develop my own planning system. This...