To do list

Our To do List layout goes over two pages and has the structure you need to turn your ‘To do’s into ‘done’s.

Migrate that task

When you cannot complete a task in your week-to-week planning, simply migrate it to the ongoing To do list at the back of your planner that comes built in. The key to staying organised is to try to add them by theme so that you can see immediately what you could get done if you have some time.

How to write a to do list

It starts in the weekly layouts of your planner to use it the most effectively:

  • Each week, brain dump everything you need to get done with no filter or worry onto a list.
  • Anything that needs to get done that day and can be done that day, keep it there.
  •  Anything that cannot be done that day but is a high priority and urgent, get it done that week. 

Anything that cannot be done that week but is still a high priority, put it in the back of your planner on your ongoing To do list.

Anything that is not urgent and not a priority? Don’t do it. Write it down purely to experience the joy of missing out on having to do that task as you cross it off the list. The true JOMO (Joy Of Missing Out).

Tools that can help

We have a To Do & Not To Do notepad to help with this task daily at work. You can apply these principles and headings to your planning each week in your weekly layout. Have your 'To do list' for the week, and priorities your tasks to ensure that urgent and high priority tasks are completed first.

The notepads are gorgeous and made from vegan leather with gold hardware and a gold-stamped heading to make it truly stand out on your desk.

How to use the columns

In our layout are four types: 'To do' x 3, 'House tasks', 'Career projects' and 'Personal projects'. If you are not sure, stash it under the 'To do' heading – but note that there is space in the three columns to create your own sub-theme. You might assign the three general columns to specific areas of your life to see your personal 'To do's with customisation. For example, you could label each column by member of your household, by how urgent the task is, or by time of the year you aim to complete it by.

I recommend sticking to having the three columns open as a place to brain dump whatever you need to do, and then migrate further to one of the specific columns as you sort things through for greater organisation. Do not worry about getting messy, or ‘wasting’ space if you do move things. To do lists are tools to use to get organised, not an art project. If it helps you to get things done, repeat away.

What if you need more room?

Do not get hung up on 'using up' all the space for 'To do's in your planner. If you need to, just rule up a second 'To do list' layout on on of the blank pages in your planner.  Write on the bottom of the first page to go onto the next. Easy.

See related posts on Instagram

 How to write a To do list



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